MovieWorld's Panel & Q&A 2023

I am an Event Organiser for Roblox, and a developer that's experienced in many programming languages. I am known for my games such as MovieWorld and TM123 Studios.
Join the developer team at MovieWorld Roblox, as they discuss upcoming attractions and rides and allow fans an opportunity to ask the developers any questions they have about the future of the game.
hello everyone and welcome to this sort
of mini panel and Q a for movie bugs so
people that don't know me I am the
feeder I run the theme park
and the familiar thing is sort of a
follow-on from everything that happened
at rapper yesterday
so today I'm going to go over everything
I went back through yesterday at rapper
going to more detail because we were
quite short on time yesterday
first off I'm going to go over
everything that's happened the last few
months so when the game first opened we
did the massive ground opening
the witch hundreds of you came I think
we have about 400 people arise and it
was really big
so I've wanted to explain myself so
thank you to everyone
and next we get the Easter scramble
and within this I think you could
collect different Easter eggs around the
map and the whole map of themed just for
tons of you enjoyed that we've got a
massive amount of feedback from all of
you and we're certainly looking at ways
to improve the
social feeling for next year
and then roughly our biggest update was
a couple days ago and we introduced a
brand new Dynamite Bay which is huge
compared to what it was originally and
we also opened up our newest rides
called crate crashes
and remove this
we have a whole new Western sort of
theme for people to enjoy and sort of it
changes the whole feeling of the game
because it just makes it way bigger
so moving on
we are going to go over the the future
timeline for movieworks
so in the next couple sorts of images
I'm going to show you everything that
we're hoping to bring this year and this
timeline doesn't include everything
it will definitely
have a main part of it but lots of it
will also not be here because it's sort
of a surprise for everyone
I'm going to cover fix things which are
going to be coming to Movie World in the
next year and a bit
so the first thing will be our growing
Lantern roller coaster and this will be
a roller coaster which anyone can enjoy
it'll be an indoor roller coaster
and it will be a unique rollercoaster
it will be one which you haven't done
before it's a new style
um it uses all the new technology which
Lucy Wells currently uses so for example
the crater crashes now have moving
restraint balls it has
loads of new things added to it so all
of that would be in this new ride and I
hope everyone really enjoys it once it
comes out this will be coming probably
late to August
it might be a little bit after but we're
hoping it will be at the end of August
so moving on
in October saw our Halloween event we
will be doing a Halloween event called
screen night and it will introduce lots
of different Halloween mazes which I
won't spoil many yet
and beetroduce will be opening for that
and within that it's going to have a
feeling so Beatrix is going to be open
for Halloween it would be a permanent
attraction which anyone can rise at any
time of the year
this will be coming early October and
after October all the Halloween rides
will go apart from Beach widgets
moving on we are going to be doing a
Christmas event this year
within this we're going to be
introducing the movie World White
Christmas which is a Christmas theme
event in which you'll be able to collect
presents around the map you'll be able
to sort of
celebrate the Christmas theme in which
anyone can enjoy
and we're also going to be adding and
available which anyone will be able to
you hire
demanding future we're hoping to add
many events in there which people can
use if they want to host a conference or
for example we might be hosting many
conventions in there for upcoming
and lastly for this update we're going
to introduce new job roles which people
can use
So currently we have rig operator and
delivering crates around the map
and what we're going to do for this
overhaul is ADD gas stations and tour
guides into the game
and this would be quite a big feature
for movie world because
unlike all the other sort of
features and jobs if one people will be
hired for and then people will be able
also enjoy the gaming feel much more of
parts of it compared to
other aspects in the park
and I can't wait to show all of you that
we have so many features planned for it
so moving on to the next feature
next we are going to be open the
Instagram tour in early 2024.
and within this we are going to be
adding a new unique right so you'll be
able to tour around the
area and you'll be able to experience
the ride
axles go through different scenes which
we have around movies it's all the
themed tour of movie world and loads of
other games and sort of Studio games so
it could be added into it
and unlike all the other rides it would
be quite a long ride with a full guided
tour around it
so we have voice accessories going
through as if you're being told on it
this ride will be about seven the weight
minute which compared to all roller
coasters which are about tubing it took
really long
but we're certainly most excited for
this to come out and yeah we can't wait
to show you that
so what was our Mage rides which we
can't wait to open will be our Coast
Ventura boat tour
and this will be opening probably late
December 2022.
within there it will be a tall room
which you're in a boat and you can
explore the different sets and all these
would be based in coast city which is in
things lots of different
movies and
it's sort of a nice slap walks right
which people can enjoy but there may be
a wicked twist which happens once you're
on the right but I won't spoil too much
a little bit to the
really sunrise was opened
so our last major upcoming events will
the addition of a new Hotel and Water
and this would be called Volcano Bay
and within volcano Cove we are going to
be adding
water slides and a hotel
a volcano and it'd be pretty much all of
the sun Park from
walks apart for people to explore but
this will be built within Knoxville big
theme parks
and people will be able to
enjoy this new movie world and you'll be
able to excel reports of a different
theme parks with linger
I think volcano Cove you can book hotel
rooms using the in-game currency or you
can just explore the water park and have
fun on the different rides the water
slides and pretty much all the little
Parts within it and it would be a huge
addition to move wealth and we can't
wait to show all of you
so covering everything I have just gone
over we have talked about the glowing
Lantern which would be in indoor roller
coaster we have white Christmas which
within that the event called and job
overhaul all be happening
and ghost adventure will be opening
which is a
sort of ningy
tour ride on the boat
which will be in Halloween
will be a
tool which will go through different
movie sets based on movie world
and the final Edition for all of this
will be volcano Cove
from the Q a we did yesterday
and I want to take this time now if
anyone has any questions or is
interested to know anything about Movie
World feel free to ask any questions in
the chat and I will have the answer
quite some of the questions I can see
coming through is
full gas station and tour guides we will
be hiring these in different servers
so some of them will be in our community
service but we're looking at ways where
you can apply in-game instead of having
to join different social media platforms
everything will be done in game and
we'll be able to hire different people
through there they'll be training and
we'll sort of try and cover everything
within it
and yeah
so I can say another question and it's
asking about spring months so this is a
sort of event will be
um any sort of
for people to explore and
sort of it would be okay event for some
parts of it but it will also be a fun
time for people to enjoy sort of a
Halloween theme
all through October and
yeah it would be quite a good sort of
right to
have different people enjoy
so another question where I can see and
it could be one more bedroom Adventure
so it's right we have
been making
it will be opening possibly this year
but we haven't guaranteed anything for
the public yet
um but it is definitely coming
and progress is going really well on it
um yeah I don't have a set date for it
yet I'm afraid but it is definitely
coming and it's definitely worth the
so yeah that is sort of it
um we're going to be going over sort of
many different
events and Rise upcoming in the future
and we can't wait for all of you to see
oh that's another question so
when we're adding different jobs we will
be sort of keeping destination tour
guide operators and the creative living
room but we're hoping
to add more
sort of
interactive Parts into the game so we're
looking at making
the ryga Prague job more fun so for
example ride breakdowns is a possibility
and we're looking at lots of different
ways to make game more engaging for
people to come and enjoy anyway
so yeah that's it for that question
um another question coming through is is
anything stopping the progress to the
and the answer to that question is
nothing massive is stopping the progress
currently but one
sort of major issue we have at the
moment is trying to balance development
and sort of College University and that
aspect of sort of mine and pack of Life
at the moment
so we're trying to update the game as
often as possible and try and balance
everything outside of that as well but
at the moment we're all the old summer
break so they'll definitely be way more
updates and
and way more features coming up to the
so that's all the questions I can see
nature there's another one
um he's the meeting groups in the future
with characters
so this is a mashably asked question we
have had quite a lot
and we are hoping to have meeting groups
adding into the game
um we're looking at doing a
sort of superhero and super villain mini
event where you can meet different
characters throughout the easy world and
you can take photos with them and be
able to sort of have more memories built
within the park
and of course any photos we will try and
add them into our sort of memory room
which is growing massive now
and yeah it is
something we've heard lots of feedback
based on Dr looking at the best way to
do it currently
at the old queue
the sort of making part more interactive
we're looking at new ways so the tour
guide will be massive because we're
looking at instead of just people
walking around the park what can we make
more interactive so we're looking at
maybe people can drive vehicles around
the map which control people around
because Toba and looking at more
interactive ways for that part
oh I'm gonna
and the characters were looking at
meeting will be sort of Western Cowboys
based on that we've got the dark city so
that'll be meeting people such a Batman
photo of the regular The Joker we've got
all the main characters in that area
and then we have
the short tools
Super Mag theme and we've got lots of
different characters being aggied into
it but all of them will be sort of
unique QR games sort of stand out from
other ones anyway
yeah sort of it will be a major part
added into our game but we just need to
look at the good way to do it and to
make sure that people can definitely
enjoy the updates that will be coming
and just sort of making it quite
interactive but in a good way
cool I think exactly
so I hope there's just one more
so people are wondering about are we
going to do sort of interactive
for the zinc within our new events
things when
developers from all over the platform
in the game
and we're looking at hosting sort of
events for turkey
groups and things like that and
thoughtful way to bring more people into
the game
and yeah and sort of a good way to
interact with the game much more and
take it much more fun for people to
come and enjoy
so I think that is all the questions
coming through
so I think that's going to be the end of
the event here
so I wanted to thank everyone for
listening to the sort of thing about
anything else and if you're guessing
that you'd be doing more things in the
future so thank you everyone for coming
and I'll see you all later