MovieWorld Conference at RAAPA July 2023

I am an Event Organiser for Roblox, and a developer that's experienced in many programming languages. I am known for my games such as MovieWorld and TM123 Studios.

Hi! I am SplitYourGamming10 (Aka TigerMANEK426). I Co-Own a group called TeamTBM with one of my best friends. I develop games on Roblox but I also Develop Websites for my own group and other groups. I am experienced in multiple programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, C# and Lua.
During our conference at RAAPA 2023, we covered upcoming updates using our future timeline, spoke about jobs, rides, and shared lots of future information for our park.
0:00:00.2 --> hello everyone and welcome to the movie World Conference so today myself and Panda are going to go through the conference and sort of talk about the upcoming things that movie world is going to be having over the next couple sort of years and time for the game so I'm going to hand over to Panda where he's going to talk about what we've had over the last few months hello all um as Cedar has already said my name is uh Panda um for those of you that don't know me I do most of kind of the programming for the movie World Park and but I'm not going to talk about that I'm going to kind of cover what we've done in the last sort of six sort of months or so so one of our main things of the our grand opening where we had absolutely tons of people turn up and we're really really grateful for that and we had several coasters kind of open at that
0:01:02.3 --> time but even since then we've released kind of a few more rides so the kind of main things that we've had since then have been our easter event um which we've read was really really successful and we've also had the dynamite Bay rework and the release of our latest roller coaster crater crashes so um with the dynamite Bay rework we thought it was kind of very dull and very not much going on so we bought bottles right we're going to kind of rework this whole thing and add so much more theme to it I guess is the best way to put it and that's kind of what we did and for those of you that um saw we released the update for this a couple days ago and we've had some really good feedback since so I'm really really grateful for
0:02:01.2 --> that uh in regards to the Easter event that also went really really well they that got some very nice prizes that people have collected nice little leaderboard going for a big egg hunt that we did and yeah some really really really nice stuff I think now we're going to kind of move on to the Future timeline where I'll hand back over to Cedar cool thank you so we're going to go with the future timeline in which we're going to talk about lots of upcoming features for Movie World itself but I do want to add before we go into all the details everything on here the gates may change so we've put estimated dates for when we think or when we're trying to aim for the update to come out but lots can happen within that time so we don't want to sort of have a set time in press but anyway let me get into it
0:03:01.3 --> so I'm going to sort of jump in between myself and Panda and we're going to talk about six upcoming things for movie worlds in which we hope that it has a bit of everything which someone will enjoy so if I move over to Panda he can talk about the first one so the first thing and hopefully the next thing that will be released is our glowing Lantern coaster so the idea for this is to have a kind of really big indoor dark roller coaster that will be quite fast-paced we're not going to reveal too many details because again as Cedar already said a lot of these things will change before they release but yeah this is hopefully this this is all going to be based kind of off of Green Lantern the characters that are within that and so on but again this will hopefully be a really one of our really fast-paced really kind of different roller coasters
0:04:01.7 --> um I think the next thing is proceeded color yeah yeah okay so in October we are going to be hosting our own sort of Halloween event in which we'll be calling it Movie World Fright Nights and within this we're going to have we're aiming for about three or four sort of horror mazes but one of the main ones that will be opening is Beetlejuice which will be a horror maze which people can walk through and it sort of follows the story of the beacon juice movie and the one difference from this attraction and the other Halloween ones will be this will be permanently in the game so we want to opens in October anyone can play after Halloween and it would be a permanent sort of Attraction which people can always enjoy I guess so that's sort of it for Beetlejuice so I'll hand back over to Panda
0:05:02.3 --> oh so this next thing is a bit of a kind of larger topic to cover so this is this is kind of three main things so the first one is to Movie World White Christmas the this will entail an event that somewhat similar to the Easter event um in the sense you'll be able to run around the park collect presents spend those presents on prizes um there may be prize rolls or like gift box that you can open but again these things might change um the next thing is the Event Hall which is one of the bigger things that we're going to be opening so the idea behind this is that you guys can run your own events within our our park so this could be a variety of stuff so it could just be um like a little conference it could be a q a things like that um but hopefully they will get some really good use out of this now the final thing is the job overhaul
0:06:00.4 --> this is one of the most probably the one of the most complex Parts because there's quite a lot to this so there's there's two different sides to this so there's the the in-game job such as like the delivering crate for example and there'll be more jobs like that to come in the future but there's the other side of this where we want to get people more involved as actual kind of staff for the park and I'm going to hand back over to Cedar to let him explain this bit in a bit more detail yeah so the job overhaul is sort of an add-on to the current job so jobs and by all feedback we've been given it's sort of being people enjoy being right operators but they want to feel more a part of the park so the one thing I am thrilled to announce is we will be having guest relations and tour guides as a part of movie worlds
0:07:00.3 --> so with guest relations it will be people can sort of give information to the guests around the park they can help them out um and sort of that we will give them areas around the park where they can sort of help people as they join the game or give them information about the history of the game for example so sort of the tour guide I'm going to hand back over to Panda because he sort of has the idea in which how we're going to do things thank you so the way that we plan for this to work is that we will train up you guys and we will kind of create kind of like a not like a rotor but like a kind of schedule where we'll say these times we'll have tours running and we'll have you one of you guys touring groups of people around the park to be able to book it in advance and only those people that are booked will be able to go on
0:08:00.2 --> that tour and these people will then go around the park kind of explain the different things explain the history behind them maybe explain where the ideas came from or what may have changed with these things in the future and kind of things like that and then as time goes on we'll get people that can then kind of teach us or new tour guides and so on like we kind of build up this kind of Staff in the park itself um right the next bit I'm going to hand back over to Cedars I think we are moving on to the next ride okay cool so the major sort of upcoming ride which we're going to be adding which is personally one of my favorite rides so far is Studio tour so this rag will be different from the other ones in which it will have a unique system which can sort of give you a real good tour
0:09:00.2 --> around different sets so we're going to have different scenes in the way in which people couldn't sort of experience it feel more a part of it and lots of these things will be new ones they'll be for upcoming areas and they'll sort of be the current areas you've had in the game and within the studio tour it's going to have lots of voice acting it's going to have a full tour in which people can be sort of immersed from self within the talk of filback they're part of movie world and this whole sort of be one of our longest rides definitely because you'll be giving a guided tour around the studio in a way so yeah that's sort of it for it we have lots of ideas coming up for it and we definitely is one of my favorite upcoming ranks so with all of that said I'm going to hang back over to Pang thank you very much so the next thing is
0:10:01.8 --> the Costa Ventura boat tours now this is one of the rides where we've only done a very small amount of planning for at this point in time so it's one of those rides that is quite far in the future um but the idea for this one is you'll be on a boat kind of going around almost like famous Hollywood Hollywood set sorry um kind of viewing different things there might be a few surprises along the way again as I've said we haven't done too much planning for this but there is more details we'll follow later in the year and we'll hand back over to Cedar for the final thing cool and just adding on to the boat tours it will be different from the studio tour I'm just sort of giving people an idea so the studio tour will be going through different scenes the actual boat tour would be a set story set within a uniquely islanding
0:11:01.3 --> away um but it would be a boat sort of exploring through a water area it will be based on sort of real life rides which I'm sure many people have written um but I'd look wanted to clarify that little bit but let me move on to the final sort of part so our final thing for this conference is going to be we're adding volcano Cove into the park so this will be a joint collaboration with multiple other groups and within this area it's going to include a water park and a hotel so people will be able to sort of explore the water park enjoy the roller coasters Within movie worlds itself but then they can sort of stay within a hotel and the hotel will be able to be sort of butcherthing in-game checking system
0:12:03.5 --> um the hotels will have different themed rooms and sort of all the rooms would be themed around different lands in movie worlds um and you can sort of all the rooms will be free and then shovel the premium rooms in a way it can be purchased with moviebox or in-game currency so it sort of adds different aspects to sort of develop movie world to make it a much more bigger Park and within volcano Cove there will be a sort of massive volcano because of this new area is going to be based off volcano Bay which I'm sure many people have visiting and lots of people know but this will be our sort of unique twist aging onto it so it will have all the parts people love but then it will have more rides there'll be lots of walks aside and sort of many different things within it and hotel definitely be
0:13:01.9 --> a huge part of the movie world because I know lots of people wanted to feel more and masked with linger so I won't keep spoiling different things for that because I think we should leave it for a little bit because it'd be a big surprise but moving on to the Future timeline of everything we've just gone out so do you want to go through it panda yeah so um as we said at the very start we've got the glowing Lantern coaster hopefully a very fast-paced dark theme um coaster we then have the Beetlejuice which will hopefully come out around Halloween time be a permanent kind of Halloween attraction we'll have Movie World White Christmas and which they'll be the kind of Christmas event and things of that sort there'll be the job overhaul and the Event Hall there will be the studio tour there will be the coast of Ventura boat tours and then finally volcano Cove awesome believe yeah yep
0:14:03.6 --> um so we sort of hope this gives you an idea of what's coming to movie world and the six things we have announced there that isn't all that's coming to Movie World there'll be lots of different things in between but these are these sort of big chicks in the way which we're hoping everyone will enjoy but if anyone has sort of any questions any sort of suggestions they want to give us and we will do it just after this conference and feel free to ask any questions now we will try and answer as many as possible and we're also doing another conference on Monday if people have any more questions so feel free to ask some now if you have any