MovieWorld Conference at RAAPA December 2023

I am an Event Organiser for Roblox, and a developer that's experienced in many programming languages. I am known for my games such as MovieWorld and TM123 Studios.

Hi! I am SplitYourGamming10 (Aka TigerMANEK426). I Co-Own a group called TeamTBM with one of my best friends. I develop games on Roblox but I also Develop Websites for my own group and other groups. I am experienced in multiple programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, C# and Lua.
Join the development team at MovieWorld as we discuss the 2024 timeline and the updates over the next few months. After the timeline we will have a Q&A and with our Panel.
so hello everyone and Welcome to our
raapa conference for
2023 so today what we're going to be
doing is going over everything that
we're going to be bringing this year and
also talk about some sort of major
changes that we've done since the last
conference so as many of you might have
known we were going to add lots of
different rides on our timetable last
year and some of them have come out but
some of them haven't at same time so I
wanted to go over a little bit about
that and lots of garides when we were
making them we thought we didn't want to
rush the quality of the ride so lots of
them we are pushed back a little bit so
today what I'm going to do is talk to
you with panda and we're going to work
our way through and tell you our new and
timetable so one of the first changes we
did for this big update before we
announced everything we said about be
juice was going to be one of the
attractions that open after Halloween
and that update didn't happen as many of
you already mentioned to us and we've
decided to not open this attraction yet
and what we're going to be doing is
replacing it for a brand new Halloween
attraction which will be opening very
soon so we can't wa show you it all but
that isn't quite ready yet so what we're
going to do is go onto our short
information and our timeline for this
year and then go into a little bit de of
detail about it all
after so we're going to talk about five
major things today and then we're going
to go over a few sort of little
parts so let's move on to the first ride
that we're going to be
opening and that ride is going to be the
studio tour and that ride will be
opening early 202 four so many of you
were talking about wanting this ride to
come as soon as possible so what we're
going to be doing is making it our top
priority and it says early 2024 we don't
want to confirm an exact month because
we don't want to rush for quality but
the way it's going at the moment is the
ride will open around
February or at the end of
January so we can't wait to show you it
there are so many different parts
throughout the ride we post a few
teasers there's different scenes from
everyone's favorite movies there's a
small part from The Walking Dead there's
a few sort of special moments within it
and at some point a massive dinosaur
appears and all of this is put together
in a massive ride and this ride will not
be a roller coaster this ride will be a
fory experience in which the vehicles
will move around the map and it's a
really cool Dark Ride which we can't
wait to show you and we think it's going
to be one of the most popular rides at
movie world and the progress for it is
going really well and the picture on
here is showing you one of The Walking
Dead scenes which is personally one of
my favorite ones so far but yeah so the
progress is going on here really well
and that's all for this one so moving on
to the next
slide we're going to be talking about
the glowing Lantern of roller coaster
and I'm going to be passing over to
Panda where he's going to talk about
this new
ride thank you so a lot of you have
already seen sort of some sneak peeks
from this ride and you know that we
spoke about it briefly in our last
conference so I'm going to give a little
bit more sort of information but I don't
want to reveal too much CU this is
hopefully going to be one of our better
roller coasters so this is all themed
around the Green Lantern um and it's
going to be a sort of indoor and outdoor
roller coaster at the same time
um so without giving away sort of too
information um it's going to be very
of dark and bright so there's going to
be lots
of there's going to be lots of moments
where you're going to be sort of in the
pitch black experiencing the ride but
also with lots of intricate scenes
hopefully where you'll get a really good
experience on this roller coaster like I
said I don't want to reveal sort of too
much information about it at this stage
with the progress we've got on this ride
at the moment
the we're aiming for this ride to come
out in around about sort of late May
early June time uh I'm going to speak
about the next one now which is
something we have not announced yet and
this is a brand new ride that we've been
planning so this is the Bedrock River
Adventure so this is going to be a
water-based ride where you will cruise
through uh the Bedrock um land
experiencing lots of different sort of
things occurring you know experiencing
some of the native Wildlife within the
Bedrock land and similar to the Green
Lantern this is still sort of very early
in the planning so we haven't got too
much on this at the moment and this is
probably going to be the sort of ride
that comes out in the late Summers maybe
September sort of time um but other than
that I'm going to pass back over to Ceda
for the next
bit perfect so as panga just mentioned
those two rides were very excited to
bring out and the progress on them at
the moment is going really well so
moving on to one of our next rides it's
the coast Ventura boat
tours and this ride as many of you have
mentioned it looks very similar to jaws
and this ride will be taking all the
aspects from the Jaws ride and it will
be adding our own sort of movie World
feeling towards it so you'll be able to
experience a boat tour around the
different Studio sets and there'll be
unexpected shark attacks there be
different buildings you can explore and
it takes all the different context
experiences and everything from the
original Jews ride and there's many
voice actors throughout it and one of
the big announcements I can say for this
ride is we have dul one of the voice
actors and we're very excited to show
you this ride so this ride will be
opening at the winter season and it's
going to be sort of a very interesting
experience around the winter time
because there's going to be this boat
tour update and then we're going to add
a few more little Parts before it and
after it and some little sneak peeks I
guess I can say about this ride is once
you experience the tour it will be more
customized each time so the boat tours
will never be the exact same experience
but always be different bits so whenever
someone will R it they can experience
one part from it and then if they reide
it like a week later there'll be a tiny
little bit of different parts on it so
we can't wait to show you this
ride so the next sort of ride we want to
talk about is or I say it's a r it's a
volcano Cove so we mentioned at our last
raapa that we're going to have a new
area or not a new area a new land and
the new land was going to be based off
the volcano Bay Theme Park walk slide
theme parks all the different parts in
volcano Cove we're going to be adding
into movie
world and one of the big parts for it is
we're going to add water slides and this
image isn't a exact copy of what we've
got so far this image is actually the
volcano Bay itself but it's going to be
used as our concept art for the new area
so we were trying to decide what we
wanted to add in movie world and we were
thinking about we want to try and add
different Parks into one so movie world
will be the one sort of main theme park
and then there'll be lots of different
bits with it so volcano Cove will be the
start of that and then we were looking
at expanding into other areas so we were
looking at doing a whole area where
different clothing groups can join in or
different roller coasters can be add
didn't have their own theme parts so all
of this will work really well for the
future of movie world but this is going
to be coming in late
2025 and that's really far ahead but we
wanted to sort of give you a sneak
little Peak about
it so that's it for all of the rides and
tractions so what we're going to do now
is talk a tiny little bit about some
more updates that are coming out and
some sort of extra parts so I'm going to
pass back over to panga and he's going
to talk about some sort of extra
bits thank you so something we announced
in our last conference was the jobs
overhaul so with all of the um sort of
Planning and Building of all these other
rides we haven't quite finished this
overhaul yet and we're really hoping
that this will come out early next year
CU we've got some really really good
ideas for the jobs um overhaul and it's
be a really good opportunity for all of
you lot to earn more movie bucks getting
more engaged in what's happening within
the park and just generally have more of
a handson experience so that's hopefully
going to come early
2024 the second sort of thing I want to
announce is something which we are yet
to announce and this is quite a big
thing and it's sort of in two parts so
the first one is guest relations which
is something we going to be adding into
the park in the very near future we're
just wrapping up the final parts for
this and we will
be bringing this out into the park with
hopefully some of you lot taking the
positions the the second thing which is
a bit bigger is tour guides so we want
to have actual tour guides giving people
touring people around the park giving
them information which they potentially
didn't know before and this is something
that we're still sort of building in
infrastructure for and planning but it's
almost complete and we're so close to
releasing this and this will hopefully
it could come out within the new year
and like with the guest relations we
will get some of you and we'll get some
of you lot to be actually the tour guide
for the park and it hopefully be a
really good experience for some of you
lot to have an even more handon
experience um into terms of sort of just
general what's happening with the park
in the future I'm not going to sort of
say too much information most of it
already been covered within uh all of
the conference we've just spoken about
but we're sort of planning a few little
bits here and there which will hopefully
improve sort of the general gameplay and
experience of all of you lot and that
that's really it at the moment don't you
think there's anything else to add no so
P have pretty much mentioned all the
different parts so jobs will be a major
update and we haven't included yet on to
our sort of slides for this conference
because we thought it would be easier to
expl playing it instead of trying to
show you different images but for the
jobs we're looking at doing the
applications quite soon so then people
are able to apply for the different jobs
in the park but many of you have also
mentioned you want different ways to
earn the movie buck as well so we've
been looking at trying to find ways to
improve the movie bu system so one of
the ways it will be be working is if you
do a job with us we'll be able to give
you different Movie Box amounts in the
game and there'll also be different
emblems t-shirts and stuff that only
staff will be able to get so we sort of
want to encourage more people to be able
to join our team and be able to work on
us with this so job one of the major
parts but that's sort of it that we're
going to cover in this
conference so just to cover everything
we've already gone over the studio tour
will be the next ride that will be
opening and that'll be opening sort of
January February
time and then after that we have the
glowing Lantern coaster and that coaster
will be a very interesting roller
coaster in which it'll be a bit indoors
a bit outdoors and it will sort of cover
everything but as an indoor roller
coaster and then we have the Bedrock
River Adventure and that will be a
Riverboat tour that'll be happening
through different movie sets and it will
have everyone's favorite different movie
world based
characters the boat TOS will have a duw
similar boat experience and you'll be
able to go on the boat around different
scils in the park and you'll be able to
be attacked by sharks and it'll be a
very unique experience every single time
then we have volcano Cove which will be
based off a volcano Bay and this will be
a Water Bay or Water Resort I could say
for the guests to enjoy there'll be
water slides and there'll be so much
more coming with this update but as we
get closer to that we will talk about it
a bit more and then the major
announcement of the
jobs so that's really it so that's
pretty much everything we have to
announce today so both of us want to
give you a massive thank you for joining
us in our conference and we can't wait
to bring out all of these updates so
that's it from both of us and we hope
you have a great day